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Strawberry Cream Swiss Rolls

The Japanese Style Sponge Cake is perfect for making rolled cake. It’s soft and moist. Combined with stabilized whipped cream, this is a light and delicious dessert.



  • 1 Sheet Cake 13 * 17 (Japanese Style Sponge Cake)

  • 1 Cup Whipped Cream

  • 1 tsp Gelatine

  • 4 tsp Cold Water

  • ¼ Cup Sifted Icing Sugar

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • 1 Cup Diced Strawberry


1. Place the cake on a sheet of parchment paper the same size as the cake. Roll the sheet cake. Set aside.

2. In a small bowl, combine gelatin and cold water. Let stand for 1 minute.

3. Heat the gelatine in the microwave for 30 seconds. Let cool, do not allow it to set.

4. Whip the cream with icing sugar, add vanilla extract, until slightly thick.

5. With mixer in low speed, add the gelatin to whipped cream.

6. Whip at high speed until stiff.

7. Fold diced strawberries into whipped cream.

8. Unroll the sheet cake. Spread the sheet cake with a layer of whipped cream.

9. Chill for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.

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