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Osmanthus Jelly (圓肉杞子桂花糕)

This elegant chinese dessert can be find in some Chinese Dim Sum Restaurant. It is simply jelly made with Osmanthus flower tea. It’s refreshing, delicious and healthy.



  • 1 tbsp Dried Osmanthus (桂花乾)

  • 10 g Dried Longan (圓肉)

  • 1 tbsp Dried Wolfberry (杞子)

  • 100 g Rock Sugar (冰糖), or to taste

  • 20 g Gelatine Powder (魚膠粉)

  • 250 ml Hot Water

  • 250 ml Cold Water


1. Soaked Longan and Wolfberry in Hot Water.

2. Steep Dried Osmanthus with 250 ml of Hot Water.

3. Strain Osmanthus tea into a small pot, bring tea to a boil. Stir in sugar.

4. Sprinkle gelatine powder. Stir until dissolve completely.

5. Add Longan, Wolfberry and cold water over sugar mixture.

6. Pour into moulds or containers. Chill in refrigerator until set.


After stirring sugar, taste it yourself. It should be a little bit swetter than what you want. After chilling, it will be less sweeter than when it's hot.

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